It is cimented directly on the rock of the hill and because of terrain features the architectural ensemble is of two levesl. In the first one there are some administrative offices and in the second one which is the main level there is the permanent exhibition.

The oratory is the most outsanding arquitectural body set. Is square  and is crowned by a dome with octagonal base. It is the main entrance to the museum and its large wooden gate, colonial frame  by a gothic arch topped by a thistle emblem,  belonged to the franciscan church San Andrés now disappeared. In their boards highlights the shield of the religious order. In the main facade

Flanking the entrance there are two pairs of corinthians pilasters richly ornamented with flowers and vegetables. Separating the top section first body of a cord franciscan, recalls the religious order of the bishop Rafael Verger.

The building was dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe. In the main niche you can still see the remains of its tarnished image by shrapnel. Its sides are two medallions,  Santa Clara images and other unidentified.

Inside, the main level, occupies a large space of 32 meters per side. At its center is the courtyard in which stands the edge of a well built in 1922 on a large underground cistern. The yard is circulated by wide corridors framed by thick columns.


© Copyright 2013 Museo Regional de Nuevo León El Obispado  Rafael José Verger S/N, Col. Obispado, Monterrey N.L. C.P. 64010

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